If I did not come with one, find a suitable vase that is going to make my eyes pop and fill it about a third to halfway full of fresh clean water.
Undress me, slowly (no need to rush) and pop my attire in the recycling.
I’m going to need to freshen up a little, so you will need to cut about 1-2 cm off my stems on an angle and place them into the (sudless) bubble bath you prepared earlier.
You can keep me bound, or if you would prefer for me to spread out, cut the binding.
To keep me looking fresh for as long as possible, repeat step 3 every 2 days and replace my bath with a biiiig splash (a third to half the vase) of fresh water.
I see someone has style! Congratulations on being a proud recipient of blooms with some serious style.
Now let’s get down to business - Follow these simple steps to keep me looking my best.
Some extra things to consider if you would like a gold star in flower care:
Keep an eye on the water levels in the vase, replace it every day or two, and give the vase a little clean in between.
Whenever you take me out of the water (even just for a minute) re-cut about 1 - 2 cm off my stems before placing me immediately back into the water.
My favourite position is out of direct sunlight, away from drafts or air-conditioning.
Some fruits are not my friend, best to keep me away from all of them - just to be sure.
If you think that my good looks have started to fade within 5 days of receiving me, email hello@nolahobart.com.au so we can have a chat about it.
If you have taken care of me as recommended above, I’ll duck back into the studio and come back looking good as new.
Follow me on Instagram so you can see me every day 💋